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Must-Try Japanese Kit Kat Flavors


American Kit Kats have nothing on these inventive flavors.

Various Japanese Kit Kat candies.
Image source: Om Nom Nomad.

KitKats are perhaps the perfect candy. Sweet milk chocolate enrobing a crunchy, and not-too-sweet wafer cookie. Nestlé USA has recently begun stepping up their KitKat game, introducing flavors such as Blueberry Muffin and Mint & Dark Chocolate, but Japan has been producing some of the most inventive KitKat flavors since 2000.

Green tea was the first new KitKat flavor introduced in Japan. Since then, the candy has been sold in more than 300 seasonal and regional flavors. "Nestlé attributes the success of the flavor varieties to the tradition of omiyage, in which regional specialties are brought back for family and co-workers from trips away. The company believes the limited-edition seasonal models create a "scarcity and rarity of value" for customers. (Source)"

If you can't get to Japan soon—fear not. Many of the Japanese KitKat varieties can be purchased in the United States from online stores such as Japan Candy Store and even Amazon.

You'll never want to snack on a traditional KitKat once you discover these Japanese varieties! Below are some of the flavors that have our mouths watering. For the flavors that are currently being sold in the United States, we have included a link to where they can be purchased.

Baked Potato

Blueberry Cheesecake

Brown Sugar Syrup


Cherry Blossom


Image source: OMG Japan.

Edamame Milkshake

Hot Shinsyu Chilli

Image source: OMG Japan.

Miso Soup

Image source: Sugoi Mart.

Soy Sauce



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